Saturday, October 17, 2015


Lunch and coloring on the table with my brother! :-)(brother): sitting by my sister at the table my favorite best sister me: that's so sweet little brother #


Hey, it's early in the morning it 8:01 AM. That might not seem early but it's the weekend. I also don't know why I'm blogging! Last night I had pizza. I know that might seem random but it was really good! So why not tell you about it. Bye :-)

Friday, October 16, 2015


So I'm having lunch right now. I am having a grilled cheese sandwich! Do you know that lunch is my favorite part of the day. Well now you know bye . :-)


So I'm having lunch right now. I am having a grilled cheese sandwich! Do you know that lunch is my favorite part of the day. Well now you know bye . :-)

Cool tongue tricks!:-)

I know this must seem weird but I can do this really cool trick. It's actually a tongue trick! Look at the picture below to see it.  BYE :-)


Hey, I need to tell you a lot of things! So I am now in 3 grade I know it's so cool I can't even believe it. My teachers name is Miss wiser well she got married so now it's Mrs. Brown. She had to take her honeymoon so I had a mean substitute. My teacher is coming back on Monday so I am so happy! It is spring break so I'm at my awesome grandparents house. Now I don't want to ever leave my grandparents are so sweet. So that was about my school year now I'll tell you about my life without school. So like on the weekends and the brakes that kind of stuff. As I told you I was at my grandparents house I will tell you what I do there. Well usually I would just spend time with my family  and stuff . I'm excited to go on this really cool trail. I can ride my scooter and then get snacks and a gas station! I don't know when I'm going but I hope it's soon. Usually I do it more than once going down then up again. Another fun thing we do is go on these really cool bounce houses. Last time we where here we didn't do it so I hope we go again today! I think today I'm going to the Canyon but I'm not really sure. I just love my grandmas house more than anything else in the world! :-)
So I guess that's all I need to tell you about my grandmas house! Bye :-)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


I love tennis and so much fun to do with my family. This is some of that equipment we got. I take tennis lessons I love it more than anything! I hope I can always play tennis when I want to. Bye :-)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lego land!!

Playing Legos with my siblings so much fun!! :)


I'm at the Chiropractor and I'm so bored I decided to blog. 

FAMILY!!!! :)

Best family ever!!

SCHOOL!!!! :)

Well I'm getting ready for school ! I love school so much and I go to the best school ever Southland Elemantray.I can't wait see my teacher and learn.Also my teachers name is Miss Carlson she's not married BYE :) 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

This is me!!

Hi,my name is Masey hope Frazier.I love to dance and sing.My favorite color is PINK! My favorite food  is chicken alfrado. I'll tell you more about me when I keep posting! BYE :)

7 years ago!

7 years ago my parents held me for the first time.I was 1 years old when I got adopted and met my forever family.I love my family so so much! :)